Female Empowerment
Women are powerful catalysts for change. They must be active participants, decision-makers and leaders at every level of society. When women are involved, the dynamics shift, leading to a more peaceful and sustainable future for all. Education is key to empowering women, offering economic benefits and protecting against human trafficking and exploitation. Yet for many girls, especially in the MENA region, access to quality education remains out of reach.
At UWC, we believe in empowering girls through education. It’s not just about attending school but ensuring girls learn, feel safe and gain the skills to become self-sufficient leaders in their communities. We aim to offer scholarships to at least five girls from the MENA region each year, providing them with the education they need to inspire change. The impact of one educated girl ripples out, benefiting families, communities and entire regions.
Join Us!
Become part of our Female Empowerment Network. By supporting these girls, you’ll gain access to a community of like-minded individuals, including women in leadership positions, advocacy, real estate, social justice, business and more. You’ll be invited to exclusive events, such as our annual United Women Conference, where you can interact with other members and our students, gain new perspectives and be inspired by their journeys.
Membership starts at 1.000 euros annually. Supporting our cause without joining the network is also welcomed. Together, we can make a difference!
More information
See our flyer or get in touch via advancement@uwcmaastricht.nl
The more than 60 following women are proud members of our Female Empowerment Network:
Ank Wolleswinkel | Ann de Milliano | Angelique Paulussen | Ans Daelmans | Astrid Pinckaers | Carla Nascimbeni | Camilla Baldonado Borgmo | Chantalle Grouwels | Cindy Esselstyn | Cindy Muyters | Danielle Klerken | Danielle Willems | Daphne Evers | Deepika Gupta | Deidre Jakobs | Dorine van de Giessen| Dorien Hodiamont | Elise Lansu | Elaine Friedländer | Elke van Hoof | Ellen Daelmans | Elsemiek Meijs | Farzeneh Radmanesh | Fabienne Lindholm | Francine Ruijters | Frédérique Six | Gemma van der Ende | Ingrid Schlössels | Iris Houkes | Isabelle Schotanus | Janneke van Helden | Judith Riesinger | Joyce Moesman | Johanna von Geyr | Karima Bosters-Bibi| Kiki Vleugels | Lara Essed | Linda Reumers | Leone Menne | Leontien Mees | Loraine Reuvers | Lucienne Cortenraede | Monique Donders | Monique Koopmans | Marjoleine de Boorder | Marjon Habets | Maruca Overdijk | Meredith Bradt | Noelle Kamminga | Oana Cipca | Olivia Janssen | Roobini Aruleswaran | Sandra Kroeze | Simone Levie | Simonne Klinkers-Engelen | Sofia Skrypnyk | Sohaila El-Abodi | Stephana Verswijveren | Susan Soons | Suzanne Leclaire-Noteborn | Sylvia Schouten | Tess ter Horst | Thea van Gelderen| Veronika van Heur | Viktoria Bast
Our Ambassadors play a vital role in promoting our cause by raising awareness, engaging with their networks and advocating for the impact of UWC Maastricht’s education on students and communities. They help us build connections and inspire others to contribute to our mission of creating a more peaceful and sustainable future.
Maria van der Hoeven | Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen | Sana Bardawil | Kimberly Fuqua
Business partners
Service & Networking clubs
UWC Maastricht changed my life. It was a lantern in the dark. I learned how to fight for my rights and how I can give back to my community.
Rabab Nafe (Western Sahara, Scholarship Student UWC Maastricht)